When you start using Scrip Manager or at the beginning of each year, there is often a need to add numerous users. Scrip Manager provides the ability to mass import a list of users.
To import users into your Scrip Manager account, your user data must be in a comma separated value file(.csv). This file can be created via a spreadsheet program. You may also download our sample file to help format your data. [user import example.csv]
Import File Formating
Required upload fields: username, first name, last name.
Optional upload fields: email, address, city, state, zip, phone, cellphone, password, child name, child room, groupID, credit option*, credit schedule*, threshold amount.
*Credit option must match one of the following: Normal, User 0%, User 100%
*Credit schedule must match one of the following: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually
1. Navigate to Users->Import.
2. The User Import page will be displayed. There will be a status bar at the top to indicate the step you are on throughout the import process.
3. Step 1: Upload Your File. The first step is to upload the data file. To do this scroll down to the 'Import User List' box. Click the 'Browser' button to locate the import file on your computer.
4. Select the field delimiter of you file. When saving CSV files, chose to either separate your fields via comma or semicolon. NOTE: If you separate your files by a comma, you can not have commas within any fields. Often times a user's last name is entered as Smith, Jr. If this is the case, we recommend using semicolons.
5. Click Upload List.
6. Step 2. Select Data Columns. In the second step, you will need to match the field data with the user's profile field options.
7. For each data column, select the field that matches the data. A data type for every column must be selected. To skip a column's data from being imported, select 'Do Not Use'.
8. Often times the first row of import files will contain a column title or header information. To skip importing this row check the 'Do not import first row' check box.
9. Click Import Users.
If there are any errors in your data file or the column data doesn't match the options available, an error message will be displayed and the incorrect rows marked. You must fix any errors in the import file first and then repeat the import process with Step 1.
If the import process is successful, all the users will be added.