Welcome and thank you for choosing Scrip Manager for your gift card management software. Scrip Manager is a comprehensive management software that can be tailored to your organizations needs. The software is installed by our support staff however there are a few steps required to complete the setup process.
The basic configuring (setup) process includes the following steps:
- Verify Site Settings
- Add Certificates & Vendors
- Add Users (if applicable)
- Setup Calendar
Verify Site Settings
All settings within Scrip Manager are configured in the Site Settings section. We recommend reviewing all the options on the following page: General, Order Settings, and User Settings. The most important and required settings will be highlighted below.
1. Navigate to Settings -> General.
2. Under the 'Profile' title, ensure the name and address of your organization is correct.
3. Under the 'General' title, select the correct time zone.
4. Navigate to Settings -> Order Settings.
5. Under the 'General' title, select the correct Order Schedule. The is one of the most critical settings and determines how orders can be entered. What is the difference between scheduled and non scheduled ordering?
6. Select if you want to enable order Beneficiaries. Enabling order beneficiaries allows a beneficiary to be selected for each order. Order credits are accumulated by the beneficiary rather than the order's purchaser. Example: User A's order beneficiary is selected as User B. All credit earned for User A's order is credited to User B. User A earns zero credit for the order.
7. Review the other order form display settings under the following titles: User Order Form, Admin Order Form, Printable Order Form & Special Certificates Order Form .
8. Navigate to Settings -> User Settings.
9. Review the options for the user area.
10. Under the 'Self Register' title, select if users can register for an account. If you will be manually adding users, we recommend disabling self register to eliminate any duplicate accounts. If self register is enabled, you can also require new users to agree to terms as well as require new account be approved by administrators before login access is granted.
Add Certificates & Vendors
After you have ensured the basic settings match your program needs, you will need to add certificates. Each certificate is associated with a vendor. Scrip Manager has three (3) pre-setup vendors. These vendors are The Manna Group, Great Lakes Scrip, and Direct Order. You may add additional vendors as needed. Associating certificates with vendors allows you to group your orders and place purchase orders for each vendor. Often times organizations will add a vendor for each local merchant from which they purchase certificates directly. After your vendors are setup, you can add certificates. Certificates can be manually added or imported.
Add Users
A user account is needed for every person/family that will be placing orders whether you plan to offer online ordering or manually entering orders. Users can be manually added, imported or self registered if enabled. You may enable self registration as described above. Most organizations prefer to control their user list and will disable user registration and manually add users.
Setup Calendar
Your program's calendar consists of your fiscal years and scheduled order periods (if scheduled ordering selected). All programs must enter fiscal years. To start, enter your first fiscal year as the date your current accounting/school year started. All year to date calculations and threshold calculations (if addon is enabled) are based on your current fiscal year.
11. Navigate to Settings -> Calendar.
12. The Fiscal Calendar is visible at the top of the calendar page. By default the current year was added during setup. You may change the start date as well as add future or past fiscal years as needed.
- How do I add/edit fiscal years?
If you program will use scheduled ordering (setup in Step 5 above), you will need ordering periods to place orders into. Your scheduled ordering calendar is located at the bottom of the Calendar settings page.
- How do I add/edit/delete scheduled ordering periods?
You have successfully configured Scrip Manager for your program! After completing the steps above you can start accepting or adding orders. There are many more ways to customize the software to your needs and if you need any assistance getting started with Scrip Manager, please open a support ticket and our support staff will gladly provide any help or advice needed.
User Quick Start Guide