The Order Form is used to place an order for a user. You can place both scheduled and non scheduled orders (depending on what ordering is enabled) using the order form. Scheduled orders have a specific due date and a user may only have one (1) order per order period. Non Scheduled orders have a date and a user may have an unlimited number of orders on any date.
The order form contains four (4) sections. These sections are split into different boxed areas and are order form(main tab), history(tab), options(top right), and payments(bottom right). The order number is found at the top of the order form. Changes in the order form box are saved only when the save or place order buttons are clicked. If changes have been made and not saved, an orange 'Order Not Saved' message is displayed. To save these changes, click the save or place order buttons at the bottom of the order form. Changes in the payment box are saved when the action is completed.
When an order is first created, two options are given to save the order, Save Order and Place Order. Once an order has been placed, the Save & Place Order is combined as the order has already been placed. A saved orders data is not included in account data and is simply a way to save the data before placing the order. A placed order is processed and included in the accounting data(i.e. user & organization earn credit).
Order Details
The top of the Order Form tab contains the details for the order (Purchaser, Beneficiary (if enabled), Order Period/Date, Pickup/Delivery option).
Beneficiary: The beneficiary is an optional setting that allows an orders credit to be given to a user other than the purchaser. You may change the beneficiary of the order at any time.
Order Period/Date: The order period or date can be changed at any time. NOTE: A user may only have one order per ordering period.
Adding Certificates
In the Certificate section of the order form tab, you can add, edit and delete certificates. The Certificate # field is an optional setting that can be enabled/disabled on the site settings page.
1. If enabled and you know the certificate number, enter it in the Cert # column. Else you can directly select the desired certificate in the Certificate (Den) drop down box. This drop down box also has a type-ahead feature allowing you to search for the desired certificate.
2. If the certificate is a 'Write-In' certificate (denomination set at $0), the denomination field we be enabled. Enter the desired denomination for the certificate. If a denomination is set for the certificate, this field will be automatically filled and remain disabled.
3. Either the Amount or Quantity field will be enabled based on the preferred entry setting selected on the site settings page. Enter either the amount or quantity in the entry box. Note: Filled and Discount fields will automatically be filled.
4. Click the Add button to add the certificate.
Editing Certificates
1. You can also edit the amount of the certificate by clicking the Edit button.
2. Either the Amount or Quantity field will be enabled based on the preferred entry setting selected on the site settings page. Enter either the new amount or new quantity in the entry box. Click the Save link to update the changes. NOTE: You must click the 'Save' or 'Place' buttons at the bottom of the order form to completely save these changes.
Deleting Certificates
1. You can delete a certificate using the delete link. You may only delete a certificate if it has not been filled. If any amount has been filled, you must first unfill the certificate.
View Discount
You may view the discount percentage split for each certificate. To do this, simply click the discount amount for each certificate.
In the Options section to the right, you can print, deliver, cancel or delete order, and fill the order.
Deliver: Delivering an order is simply a method to mark the order a delivered/picked up/completed (i.e. requires no further action).
Cancel/Delete: All orders may be canceled. A canceled order leaves the order in the database for tracking purposes however the user receives zero (0) credit for the order and the order is not included in accounting totals. Orders may be deleted if the option is enabled on the site settings page. A deleted order is completed removed from the database and the user does not receive any credit for the order. If any certificates have been filled, you will be presented with the option to return the certificates to inventory before canceling or deleting the order.
Fill Entire: Clicking the fill entire link will attempt to fill the entire order from the current inventory.
Fill Partial: Clicking the fill partial link will display the partial fill box to fill the desired certificate from inventory. Enter the amount to fill for each certificate and click the 'Fill Certificates' button.
The payments section contains all the payment data for the order. Any changes in the section are save immediately.
To add a payment select the type of payment from the Type drop down list. If you select 'Check' as the payment option you will be given the option to enter a check # for reference. Enter the Amount and then click the Add button.
To delete a payment click the delete button for the desired payment to remove.
To edit a payment click the edit link for the desired payment. Enter the new amount and if it's a check, the new check #. Click the save link to save any changes. NOTE: You may only edit one (1) payment at a time. Cancel or Save any prior payments that you edit before attempting to edit another payment.
Order History
You can view the order history by clicking the History tab as shown below. Actions such as placing and filling the order as well as payments added/removed are logged. Additionally you may add comments to the order. Enter the comments in the Add Order Comment text entry box and click the Submit Comment button.