The Manage Orders page help you track and manage all orders, from creating viewing, filling, posting payments and marking as delivered.
Simply follow the steps given below to manage orders.
1. Navigate to Orders-> Manage Orders.
2. The Manage Orders page will be displayed. To search for an order, select the required search criteria from the Search Orders section. The following search criteria are available in the Search Orders section.
User – Select the user from the User drop down list to search orders based on specific user. To search orders based on all users, select All from the User drop down list.
Status – Select the order status from the Status drop down list. The available options are All, Completed, Placed, Saved, Canceled, New, UnPaid and Unfilled.
Order # - Enter the order number in the Order text entry box to search for a specific order based on its number.
Date Ordered Range - To search orders based on date range, click the Date Ordered Range option. Then select day, month and year for both from and to ranges.
Order Period Range - To search orders based on period range, click the Order Period Range option. Then select from and to periods from the respective drop down lists.
3. After selecting the required criteria, click the Search button.
4. The search results will be displayed in a table format. It has the following fields. # - Denotes the order number of the order. Name – Specifies the name of the order. Order Date – Denotes the date in which the order was created. If it is a scheduled order, the due date is shown along with the word (Scheduled). Total – Specifies the order total. Pickup – Denotes the pickup or delivery status of the order. Status – Specifies the current status of the order. The available options are In Progress, Placed, Awaiting Payment, Awaiting Fulfillment, Awaiting Payment, Awaiting Pickup, Completed and Canceled.
5. To sort the orders based on the specific column header, click that column header. For example, to sort orders based on the Order Date, click the Order Date column. The screen refreshes and lists the orders based on the Order Date in ascending order.
6. You can quickly view the certificates for an order by clicking the (+) before the order number.
7. To edit or view the order in the Order Form, click the order # link.
1. To post payment for an order, click the Payment link in that order row. The Post Payment dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the type of the payment from the Type drop down list. This field is mandatory. The available options are Check and Cash.
3. If the Check option is selected for payment, Check # will be appended. Enter the check number in the Check # text entry box.
4. Enter the amount for payment in the Amount text box. This field is mandatory.
5. To add payment details, click the Add Payment Details link. Date and Notes fields are appended. Select the date in the calendar by clicking on the Date text box.
6. Enter details of the payment in the Notes text entry box.
7. Click the Post Payment button at the end. After the payment is posted or if the order is already paid, the payment link will be marked as Paid and is disabled.
8. If the order can be completely filled, click the Filled link in that order row. Once the order is filled, the Filled link color is changed and disabled. To partially fill the order, click the partial link. Clicking the fill partial box will display the partial fill box to fill the desired certificates form inventory. Enter the amount to fill for each certificate and click the 'Fill Certificates' button. All fields are required. To not fill a certificate enter zero (0).
9. To complete the order click the Delivered link to mark it as delivered. Once the order is delivered, the Delivered link color is changed and disabled.
Bulk Actions
1. You can perform several bulk actions on the orders. To perform an action on an order, select that order by clicking the check box in the first column of that order. To select all orders click the check box in the first column of the table header.
2. Select the action to be performed from the Select Action drop down list above the search results table. The available options are View Selected, Print Selected, Place Selected, Fill Selected, Deliver Selected, Cancel Selected, Print Summary and Reset New Order Alerts.
3. Click the Go button.