After certificates have been added to the inventory (usually from purchase orders), the next step is to fill the user orders. Filling an order can be done on the Manage Orders page (Orders->Manage Orders), Fill Orders page (Inventory->Fill Orders), and when viewing the order on the Order Form. Filling is the same in all locations. In this article we will use the Fill Orders page.
To fill an order, follow the steps given below.
1. Navigate to Inventory->Fill Orders.
2. The Fill Orders page will be displayed. In the Search Unfilled Orders section, search for unfilled orders based on order date and/or order period (depending on your setup). To search unfilled orders based on a date range, click the Date Range option. Then select day, month and year for both from and to ranges. To search unfilled orders based on an order period range, click the Order Period option. Then select the order period from the drop down list.
3. The search results will display all the unfilled orders based on your selection. When filling an order you have two (2) options, Fill Entire and Fill Partial.
Fill Entire
Clicking the fill entire link will attempt to fill the entire order from the current inventory. The 'fill entire' link will be enabled if there is enough inventory to fill the entire order. NOTE: This check is done on a per order basis and does not necessairlly mean there will be enough inventory to fill every order. Example: If two orders both contain $100 of XYZ Store and there is $100 in inventory, both will have the fill entire link enabled, however you cannot entirely fill both orders.
Fill Partial
Clicking the fill partial box will display the partial fill box to fill the desired certificate form inventory. Enter the amount to fill for each certificate and click the 'Fill Certificates' button. All fields are required. To not fill a certificate enter zero (0).